Small Bowel Obstruction


Mind Map on Small Bowel Obstruction, created by inanna_72 on 25/10/2013.
Mind Map by inanna_72, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by inanna_72 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Small Bowel Obstruction
  1. Pain
    1. Cramping, bloating
      1. Control pain c/ medications
        1. Goal: Client will verbalize 1 hour after intervention that pain is resolved or pain is tolerated and vitals will be WNL.
        2. Risk for immobility due to pain
          1. Instruct patient to ambulate around the room with assistance.
            1. Goal: Patient will walk around room 3x per shift and verbalize a need for increased activity.
              1. Educate patient that walking will ease distension and increase urge to defecate.
          2. Constipation &/or Diarrhea
            1. Instruct patient to verbalize nausea/vomitting
              1. Administer antiemetics
                1. Administer laxatives
                  1. Instruct patient to report passing of flatus &/or bowel movement
                    1. Goals: Patient will pass flatus and have a bowel movement in 1 day.
            2. Nausea/Vomitting
              1. Risk for Fluid volume deficit
                1. Goal: Vitals WNL. Output & Input are WNL.
                  1. Increase fluid intake, monitor output
                    1. Instruct patient to increase PO Fluids
                      1. Patient will verbalize after one shift importance of increasing fluids.
                    2. Risk for Altered nutrition(less than the body needs)
                      1. Supplement lost Mg+ and K+
                        1. Goal: Lab values WNL
                        2. Supplement IV fluids
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