Why should euthanasia be legalized?


Mind Map on Why should euthanasia be legalized?, created by eugenia0422 on 10/29/2013.
Mind Map by eugenia0422, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by eugenia0422 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Why should euthanasia be legalized?
  1. Definition
    1. Euthanasia
      1. mercy killing (humans or animals)
        1. act of killing those who are hopelessly sick or injured individuals
      2. Legalization
        1. make something that was previously illegal permissible by law
      3. Factors
        1. Economic aspects
          1. decrease in medical cost due to the increase of beds,medicines etc
            1. Benefit the poor as they don't need to pay long-term high medical fees
            2. Psychological aspects
              1. Family members
                1. Less grief and less post-trauma stress
                2. Personal
                  1. Increase in comfort and less suffering
                3. religious aspects
                  1. life is given by God and should be end by God
                4. Impacts of legalizing euthanasia
                  1. Long term effects
                    1. Political aspect
                      1. Absolute freedom on death may cause unfair treatment or legalization or other injustice law
                      2. Economical aspect
                        1. Reduce government's medical cost
                        2. Social aspect
                          1. Some may use this as an excuse to end their lives
                            1. Neglect and abuse may be more common
                              1. People may feel more obligated to end their lives once they are contacted with diseases
                            2. Short term effects
                              1. Short term emotional effects
                                1. The family may face depression when they have to choose whether to carry out euthanasia
                            3. Countries that have legalized euthanasia
                              1. The United Kingdom
                                1. In 2005: reconsider the viability as a legitimate medical practise
                                2. Belgium
                                  1. In 2002 : consider the "bureaucracy of death"
                                  2. Netherlands
                                    1. In 2002: legalize it under special circumstances by professional doctors
                                  3. Solutions to euthanasia( ways other than euthanasia)
                                    1. positive solutions
                                      1. Pain management of patients
                                        1. help patient deal with their illness
                                        2. Familial support
                                          1. love promotes living desire of the patients
                                      2. Current Phenonmenons
                                        1. More countries are considering the legalization euthanasia
                                          1. the public are becoming more open-minded
                                            1. governments recognize the merit of euthanasia under special cirrcumstances
                                          2. People's attitudes
                                            1. Support
                                              1. Hyppocratic oath
                                                1. Don't artificially keep people alive when death is preferable
                                                2. Analysis of data
                                                  1. It won't open the floodgates(slippery slope)
                                                  2. Social aspects
                                                    1. The alternatives are horrifying ,e.g. incapable to move
                                                    2. Personal aspect
                                                      1. Improve quality of life as to die peacefully, no pain and suffering
                                                      2. Moral aspect
                                                        1. It doesn't shorten lives, thus not murdering
                                                      3. Against
                                                        1. Social Worries
                                                          1. Slippery Slope
                                                            1. Create unwarranted pressure for the ill
                                                              1. Promotes suicide
                                                              2. Medical aspect
                                                                1. Undermine the integrity of medicine
                                                                  1. Harm patient-physician relationship
                                                                  2. Social Aspect
                                                                    1. Always a way out
                                                                2. Reasons to legalize euthanasia
                                                                  1. Judicial aspect
                                                                    1. Human rights imply the right to die
                                                                      1. It does not create harm to society
                                                                      2. Ethical aspect
                                                                        1. Euthanasia satisfies the criterion that moral rules must be universabile
                                                                        2. Practical aspect
                                                                          1. It is possible to regulate euthanasia
                                                                            1. Free scarce health resources
                                                                          2. Ways of Euthanasia (Classification)
                                                                            1. Active and Passive euthanaisa
                                                                              1. Passive euthanasia
                                                                                1. Medical professional do not do anything and cause the patient to die
                                                                                2. Active euthanasia
                                                                                  1. Medical professionals do something that cause the patient to die
                                                                                3. Involuntary euthanasia
                                                                                  1. Vountary euthanasia
                                                                                    1. Non-voluntary euthanasia
                                                                                      1. against the patient's will
                                                                                    2. Reasons not to legalize euthanasia
                                                                                      1. Historical aspect
                                                                                        1. Slippery Slope effect
                                                                                          1. Voluntary euthanasia leads to non-voluntary euthanasia
                                                                                        2. Ethical aspect
                                                                                          1. Not a person's best interest
                                                                                          2. Practical aspect
                                                                                            1. Palliative care make euthanasia unnecessary
                                                                                              1. Gives too much power to doctors
                                                                                                1. Expose vulnerable people to pressure to end their lives
                                                                                                2. Religious aspect
                                                                                                  1. Against the word and will of God
                                                                                                    1. Suffering has values
                                                                                                      1. Respect for sanctity of life
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