Influential Designers - Harry Beck


Probably won't be adding anymore people to this as my final exam is soon but I hope this is enough for other people looking for easy to follow resources for this topic.
Susannah D
Mind Map by Susannah D, updated more than 1 year ago
Susannah D
Created by Susannah D almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Influential Designers - Harry Beck
  1. Harry Beck
    1. Background
      1. Education
        1. Drafting Engineer
        2. Area of expertise
          1. Cartographic
          2. Best Known For
            1. Original Tube Map
            2. Nationality
              1. British
            3. Influence
              1. Modern Tube map is largely based on the original that he designed
                1. Style
                  1. His version of 'topological' map eventually became the standard geographical method of presenting maps, around the world
                2. Process
                  1. 1930 - Concept first revealed but rejected due to the geographical distances not being represented
                    1. 1931 - Map is trialed through 100 copies spread throughout select stations
                      1. 1932 - Trial was extremely successful and the map is fully published and released to the public
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