a mindmap about Gandhi


a mindmap about Gandhi
Arianna Pisapia
Mind Map by Arianna Pisapia, updated more than 1 year ago
Arianna Pisapia
Created by Arianna Pisapia about 9 years ago

Resource summary

a mindmap about Gandhi
  1. India's political and spiritual leader
    1. Father of the nation
      1. an icon of world peace
    2. Mahatma - Great Soul
      1. non-violence
        1. peace
        2. Satyagraha - a method of action based upon the principles of courage, nonviolence and truth
          1. was born in India in 1869
            1. was in London at 19 to study law
              1. faced discrimination and hardship in South Africa
                1. returned to India in 1915
                  1. campaigned tirelessly to set India free from British rule between 1916 and 1945
                    1. was assassinated in 1948
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