Chapter 2-Company and Marketing Strategy


Mind Map of the Chapters 1 to 4 of the book Principles of Marketing
Mind Map by P X, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Greta Morrill
Created by Greta Morrill almost 8 years ago
Copied by P X over 3 years ago
Copied by P X over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 2-Company and Marketing Strategy
  1. CHAPTER 2: Company and Marketing Strategy Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
    1. Strategic Planning: The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.
      1. Mission statement: A statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment
        1. Business portfolio: The collection of businesses and products that make up the company
          1. Portfolio analysis: The process by which management evaluates the products and businesses that make up the company.
            1. Growth – share matrix: A portfolio-planning method that evaluates a company’s SBUs in terms of market growth rate and relative market share
              1. Product/market expansion grid: A portfolio-planning tool for identifying company growth opportunities through market penetration, market development, product development, or diversification.
            2. Market penetration: Company growth by increasing sales of current products to current market segments without changing the product
              1. Market development: Company growth by identifying and developing new market segments for current company products
                1. Product Development: Company growth by offering modified or new products to current market segments
                  1. Diversification
              2. SWOT analysis: An overall evaluation of the company’s strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T).
                1. Marketing implementation: Turning marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions to accomplish strategic marketing objectives
                  1. Return on marketing investment (or marketing ROI)
                    1. Marketing control
                2. Value chain: The series of internal departments that carry out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support a firm’s products.
                  1. Value delivery network: The network made up of the company, its suppliers, its distributors, and, ultimately, its customers who partner with each other to improve the performance of the entire system.
                  2. Marketing strategy
                    1. Market Segmentation
                      1. Market Segment
                        1. Market target
                          1. Positioning
                            1. Differentiation
                              1. Marketing Mix: The set of tactical marketing tools— product, price, place, and promotion— that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.
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