Psychology 2AB


2AB Psychology Mind Map on Psychology 2AB, created by lisa97 on 04/11/2013.
Mind Map by lisa97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lisa97 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Psychology 2AB
  1. Self
    1. The Brain
      1. Cognition
        1. Sensation - involve the sense organs, our eyes,ears, and so on receiving physical stimuli such as and light
          1. Perception - takes place when certain stimuli are selected, organised and given meaning by the brain
            1. Attention
              1. Selective Attention - involves selectively attending to some stimuli while ignoring others
              2. Concepts (catogories) - grouping of similar objects or events.
                1. Memory
                2. Development
                  1. The Psychology of Personality
                  2. Others
                    1. Social Psychology
                      1. Communication
                        1. Relational Influences
                        2. Society
                          1. Culture
                            1. Social Values and Practices
                              1. Social, Historical and Political influences
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