27. People process information better in bite-sized chunks


This is from chapter 27!
Channthea Horn
Mind Map by Channthea Horn, updated more than 1 year ago
Channthea Horn
Created by Channthea Horn over 8 years ago

Resource summary

27. People process information better in bite-sized chunks
  1. People process information better in bite-sized chunks
    1. Avoid overwhelming them with too much information
    2. Second step gives more detail
      1. When people click on one of the activities, they get more information
      2. First step in Progressive Disclosure
        1. A list and an image for each activity
        2. Last step is for people who want more information
          1. Address the needs of different people
          2. Research, Research, Research!
            1. Show people what they need when they need it.
              1. Build in links for them to get more information
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