Animal testing


mental map for Neil Parish's video you tube
Mind Map by kblusnia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kblusnia about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Animal testing
  1. Inhumane treatment
    1. animals vs humans
      1. who decides whose life is more valuable?
        1. sancrosanct
          1. Anthropocentrism
            1. Why are animals denied the same rights as humans?
    2. Government regulation
      1. Who determines what is "humane", who makes the rules?
        1. "checks and balances"
          1. Who watches over animals?
        2. Who controls the information about animal testing?
        3. Arguments
          1. Scientific arguments vs emotional arguments
            1. Scientific evidence of suffering
              1. Scientific evidence animal testing is better?
                1. skirting the ethical questions
                  1. "Family" more important than animals lives
          2. Interests and benefits
            1. economic interests
              1. Pharmaceuticals benefit
                1. internal or external regulation?
            2. Human interests
              1. health
                1. Medicine
                  1. Cures
                    1. Money
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