The Dream Analysis of Little Hans in Freud (1909)


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hollie Browne
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Mr Souter
Copied by Mr Souter over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Dream Analysis of Little Hans in Freud (1909)
  1. Aim
    1. To monitor the development of a child up to the age of 4-5 years and to gain detail about 'normal' child development; his secondary aim was to cure Little Hans of his phobia of horses
    2. Procedure
      1. Hans spoke to his farther about his dreams and fears. Freud analysed the information sent in letters from the Farther
      2. Oedipus Complex
        1. From the age 4 years old Hans had sexual feelings for his mother and was jealous of his father because of this. To resolve this he takes on his dad's behaviour
        2. Giraffe Dream
          1. Manifest Content
            1. 'In the night there was abig giraffe in the room and a crumpled one: and the big one called out because I took the crumpled one away from it. Then it stopped calling out: and I sat down on top of the crumpled one'
            2. Latent Content
              1. As Hans wanted the 'little giraffe' which was a symbol for his mother and the big giraffe shouting at Hans' father. This illustrated the Oedipus complex because it showed little Hans' sexual feelings for his mother
            3. Plumber Dream
              1. Manifest content
                1. Hans dreamt that a plumber removed his bottom and 'widdler' and then gave him another (larger) one of each
                2. Latent Content
                  1. Hans is jealous of his fathers big 'widdler' hand wants a bigger one in order to get his mother Also indicative of his castration complex
                3. Evaluation
                  1. Strengths
                    1. High in validity. TIB the use of the case study method/dream analysis meant that Freud gatherd qualitative data that was very detailed/in depth
                      1. The study had practical applications for treating phobias. TIB it helped little Hans to get over his phobia of horses
                        1. Ethical. TIB Little Hans was not his real name, so it was confidential
                        2. Weakness'
                          1. Low in validity. TIB Hans' parents knew about Freuds theory therefor may have interpreted little Hans behaviour in line with the theory
                            1. Low in generalisabilty. TIB it was beased on one boy who is unique and does not represent the whole population
                              1. Low reliability.TIB other pyschologists might have interpreted Little Hans's fantasies differently from Freud because not everyone thinks the same so the findings are subjective as they are qualititive
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