Diabetes Mellitus


NCM mindmaps Mind Map on Diabetes Mellitus, created by Javen Jara on 15/11/2013.
Javen Jara
Mind Map by Javen Jara, updated more than 1 year ago
Javen Jara
Created by Javen Jara over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Diabetes Mellitus
  1. Diagnostics
    1. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
      1. Glycoselatal Hemoglobin (HbA1c)
        1. Fasting Plasma Glucose Tolerance Test
          1. Urinalysis
          2. Nursing Management
            1. Instruct proper way of administering insulin
              1. Advice the patient to take up excercise
                1. Health Teachings
                2. Variants
                  1. Type 1
                    1. Type 2
                      1. Gestational Diabetes
                      2. Disease Management
                        1. Dietary Management
                          1. Glycemic Control
                            1. Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose
                              1. Hemoglobin A1c
                              2. Pharmacologic Treatment
                                1. Initiation and Titration Of Therapy
                                2. Symptoms
                                  1. Respiratory
                                    1. Kussmaul Breathing
                                    2. CNS
                                      1. Polydipsia
                                        1. Lethargy
                                          1. Stupor
                                            1. Polyphagia
                                            2. Eyes
                                              1. Blurred Vision
                                              2. Systemic
                                                1. Weight Loss
                                                2. Breath
                                                  1. Smell of acetone
                                                  2. Urinary
                                                    1. Glycosuria
                                                      1. Polyuria
                                                      2. Gastric
                                                        1. Nausea
                                                          1. Vomitting
                                                            1. Abdominal Pain
                                                          2. Causes
                                                            1. Being Overweight
                                                              1. Physical Inactivity
                                                                1. Wrong Diet
                                                                  1. Age
                                                                    1. Race
                                                                      1. Men with low Testosterone Level
                                                                      2. How Diabetes Mellitus Affect Pregnancy
                                                                        1. Birth defects/Stillborn
                                                                          1. Heavier babies
                                                                            1. Retinopathy
                                                                              1. Diabetic kidney disease
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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