What makes us human?


What makes us human?
Mind Map by deborah.dodds, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by deborah.dodds over 9 years ago

Resource summary

What makes us human?


    • Origins
    1. 1.2% difference between genomes of humans & chimpanzees
      1. Varying physical trait similarities to humans : primates, apes, hominis
        1. Behaviour traits : tool use, symbolic communication, culture
          1. Environmental evidence : Laetoli footprints 3.5 million years ago, First Stone Tools 3.3 million years ago
            1. Homo habilis : larger brains, moderate brow, reduced dentition. Still significantly different to humans.
              1. Tutorial reflections - how does this fit with my faith and theism? According to this theory, are humans still humanly set apart in value?
              2. THEORY OF MIND
                1. Definition: the ability to understand that our behavior and behavior of other humans is caused by internal mental states.
                  1. Mental states - knowing, thinking, disliking, desiring
                  2. Do other animals and non-human primates possess a theory of mind? eg. chimpanzees show a similar preference to their mother's face at birth
                    1. Milestones: Following eye gaze, pointing, understanding others' intentions
                      1. Personal reflection: ToM is vital to any human relationship - no relationship is complete without emotions and communication.
                      2. GENETICS AND HUMAN BEHAVIOUR
                        1. Controversial genes: eg. Monogamy and Warrior gene (Bradley Waldroup case)
                          1. Importance of environment: IQ (nature/nurture). "You inherit your environment just as much as your genes". J. Rich. ABO blood group is 100% heritability
                            1. Designer babies: Available for 10 - 15 years, difficult to offer guarantees. No gene found to identify sexual orientation, antosocial behavior or intelligence within normal range (Nuffield Council, 2002)
                              1. Around 50% of genetic ability comes from the environment children are subjected to - would not be fair therefore to stream children according to genetics.
                              2. CREATIVITY
                                1. Various forms: material culture, bodily effect of culture, life events, sentimentality.
                                  1. Material culture = when usually ordinary object/place is made significant through folklore, stories and memorable meanings, eg. buildings, paintings, castles, landscapes.
                                    1. Bodily effect of culture: 19th century Chinese woman's shoes. Social status and feet (Reflection - high heels today?)
                                      1. Life events: weddings, graduations. Need materialistic objects to mark significance of occasion.
                                        1. Sentimentality: varying significance according to person
                                        2. Tutorial Reflection: Creativity is vital for building relationships
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