To what extent do the concepts that we use shape the conclusions that we reach?


Ib year 2 A
Mind Map by Ib year 2 A, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by alejandra.101672 over 8 years ago
Ib year 2 A
Copied by Ib year 2 A over 8 years ago

Resource summary

To what extent do the concepts that we use shape the conclusions that we reach?
  1. Ways of knowing
    1. reason
      1. In the way we are raised we develop certain concepts that make us react and take action towards different situations and mainly in conclusion towards things of life.
      2. sense perception
        1. Is the way in which we receive knowledge from outside the world, and by this way we are able to arrive to our conclusions based on what we have seen, lived and experienced.
      3. Areas of knowledge
        1. ethics
          1. The pending on the principles you have learned at home you will be taking decisions and conclusions based on what you have been taught.
          2. natural sciences
            1. Is the obersavtion of the world, and the study and analysis of human reactions towards desires, expectations and preferences.
          3. I chose this tittle because i find this really interesting to know how your life experiences and perspectives towards life helps you and influenced you in the way yo make decisions and arrive to conclusions. Conclusions are really essential in life objectives and perspectives.
            1. I decided to use this tittle because i find really interesting how different believes, experiences, moments and perspective towards our things change the way and the results in which we arrive to conclusions
              1. i thinks that many of the problems we face today are due to the different ways people arrive to conclusions due to their belief, thoughts and principles.
              2. To what extent does our beliefs and experiences shape the conclusions that we reach?
                1. To what extent does our beliefs modify the conclusions that we reach?
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