Biological Explanations of Obesity


A-Levels Psychology Mind Map on Biological Explanations of Obesity, created by cameron9hubbard on 21/11/2013.
Mind Map by cameron9hubbard, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cameron9hubbard almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biological Explanations of Obesity
  1. Stunkard et al (1986)
    1. AO1
      1. 540 Adult Adoptees from Denmark
        1. Weight was compared with that of biological and adoptive parents
          1. Split into 4 weight classes
            1. Thin
              1. Median
                1. Overweight
                  1. Obese
                2. AO2
                  1. Strong relationship between weight of adoptees and biological parents
                    1. No relationship between weight of adopteesd and their adoptive parents in any weight class
                      1. Therefore, genetic influences have an important role in determining adult weight, whilst environment has little effect
                      2. AO3
                        1. Supported by other biological vs adoptive relative research and by some twin studies
                          1. Too reductionist as it says that genetics alone are responsible for obesity
                            1. All participants from Denmark, so can't be generalised.
                          2. Wardle et al (2008)
                            1. AO1
                              1. Analysed 5092 twin pairs aged 8 - 11.
                                1. Compared in terms of BMI and waist circumference.
                                2. AO2
                                  1. Heritability figure of 77%
                                    1. Relatively small environmental factor
                                      1. Environmental factors were 50% shared (same home, parents), 50% non-shared.
                                      2. AO3
                                        1. Limited age range - can apply to pediatric obesity but not in adults
                                          1. Large sample size (10184), so more reliable and generalisable
                                            1. Sample is only from UK, so cannot generalised to other cultures
                                              1. Reductionist, suggests that genes play the majority of the role in obesity, and there is very little else that affects
                                                1. Deterministic, suggests that we do not have free will over whether we get obese or not, is all decided by genes + environment
                                              2. Frayling et al (2007)
                                                1. AO1
                                                  1. Researched FTO (fat mass and obesity) gene
                                                  2. AO2
                                                    1. People with two copies of this genes had a 70% increased risk of obesity
                                                      1. People with a single copy had a 30% increased risk
                                                      2. AO3
                                                        1. Deterministic - suggested that genes cause us to be obese, no free will
                                                          1. Reductionist - suggests that genes only decide whether we get obese
                                                            1. Supported by Price et al (2008) so increased validity,
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