How to teach vocabulary using peace topics through ICT´s


Mind mind about teaching peace vocabulary through itc's
Daniela Gutierrez
Mind Map by Daniela Gutierrez, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniela Gutierrez
Created by Daniela Gutierrez almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

How to teach vocabulary using peace topics through ICT´s
  1. Based on the Natural approach as a theory of second language acquisition in which the focus of the lesson and activities is the lexicon (vocabulary) of the language rather than the complex grammatical structures of the target language (Richards, J. & Rodgers, T. 2001).
    1. Defining peace
      1. Students ideas ideas about the topic and Discussions about possible scenarios that involve peace
        1. Terminology: Peace, resilience, restoration, respect, tolerce.
      2. and
        1. UNESCO takes a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting ICT in education. Access, inclusion and quality are among the main challenges they can address. The Organization’s Intersectoral Platform for ICT in education focuses on these issues through the joint work of three of its sectors: Communication & Information, Education and Science
          1. ICT'S
          2. Samples of the activities
            1. -.Brain storm about peace (written in prezi)
              1. -Reading and article about the topic (Online reading)
                1. -Uknown vocabulary searching (Online dictionary)
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