Trženje podjetja Pronet


Irnesa Ljubijankić
Mind Map by Irnesa Ljubijankić, updated 6 months ago
Irnesa Ljubijankić
Created by Irnesa Ljubijankić 6 months ago

Resource summary

Trženje podjetja Pronet
  1. rešitev problemov poslovanja podjetij
    1. AccountingBox
      1. spletna rešitev
        1. virtualni asistent
        2. DocumentBox
          1. poenostavi zajem podatkov
          2. Blagovno poslovanje
            1. popoln pregled in nadzor nad skladišči
            2. Obračun plač
              1. Elektronsko vodenje
                1. O podjertju
                  1. 30 zaposlenih
                    1. 100+ partnerjev
                      1. 2500+ uporabnikov
                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                      Geometry Formulas
                      Selam H
                      Geography Coastal Zones Flashcards
                      Zakiya Tabassum
                      P2 Radioactivity and Stars
                      TOEFL English Vocab (A - M)
                      Ali Kane
                      Main People in Medicine Through Time
                      Holly Bamford
                      Modern Studies - Democracy in Scotland/UK.
                      Daniel Cormack
                      Of Mice and Men Characters - Key essay points
                      Lilac Potato
                      Geography - Case Studies
                      Leaving Certificate Japanese Kanji
                      Sarah Egan
                      Meteorologia I
                      Adriana Forero
                      General Pathoanatomy Final MCQs (201-300)- 3rd Year- PMU
                      Med Student