Pulmonary Apparatus and Chest Wall


Mind Map on Pulmonary Apparatus and Chest Wall, created by juliebolton9 on 11/30/2013.
Mind Map by juliebolton9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by juliebolton9 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pulmonary Apparatus and Chest Wall
  1. chest wall
    1. Rib cage
      1. ribs and costal cartilage
        1. sternum
          1. pectoral girdle
            1. vertebral column (thoracic)
              1. Muscles of Rib Cage Wall
                1. muscles of anterolateral neck
                  1. Sterno Cliedo Mastoid
                    1. origin- sternum and clavicle
                      1. insertion- mastoid process of skull
                        1. function- unilateral contraction, brings sternum and clavicle closer to mastoid process
                          1. innervation- Cranial nerve 11 accessory nerve
                          2. Class 1 Lever
                            1. bilateral contraction, flexes neck, raises sternum
                          3. Anterior Scalene
                            1. origin- C3-C6 vertebrae (cervical)
                              1. insertion- 1st rib
                              2. function- flexes neck forward and laterally into and out of lungs
                                1. innervation- 4th-6th Cervical spinal nerves
                                2. Middle Scalene Muscle
                                  1. origin- C2-C7 vertebrae
                                    1. insertion- 1st rib
                                      1. same function as ASM
                                        1. innervation- 3rd cervical spinal nerves
                                          1. Lever type 3
                                        2. Posterior Scalene
                                          1. origin- C4-C6 or C7
                                            1. insertion- 2nd rib
                                              1. function- rotate neck, raise 2nd rib
                                                1. innervation- 6th-8th cervical spinal nerves
                                              2. muscles of anterolateral chest
                                                1. muscles of posterior neck
                                              3. Superficial
                                                1. pectoralis major
                                                  1. origin- medial half of clavicle, ribs 2-6, sternum, aponeuroses of external oblique
                                                    1. insertion- humerus
                                                      1. function- adduct and rotate arm medially, raises ribs 2-6, and raises sternum
                                                      2. pectoralis minor
                                                        1. origin- scapula
                                                          1. insertion- rib 2-5
                                                            1. functions- protracts scapula, elevates ribs 2-5
                                                              1. innervation- medial pectoral nerve (8th cervical and 1st thoracic spinal nerves
                                                              2. serratus anterior
                                                                1. origins- ribs 1-8 or 9
                                                                  1. insertion- scapula
                                                                    1. innervation- long thoracic nerve (5th-7th Cervical spinal nerves
                                                                      1. functions- protracts and rotates scapular, rely on muscle to hold close to thoracic wall
                                                                    2. Deep
                                                                      1. diaphragm
                                                                        1. Muscles of diaphragm
                                                                          1. central tendon
                                                                            1. origins at xiphoid process of sternum, cartilage of ribs 7-12 and upper lumbar vertebrae
                                                                              1. flattens when it contracts, increases volume of thoracic cavity controlled by phrenic nerve (3rd-5th Cervical spinal nerves
                                                                          2. external and internal intercostals
                                                                            1. occupy spaces between ribs (11)
                                                                              1. downward and medially
                                                                                1. innervated by intercostal muscles
                                                                                  1. function- muscles of inhalation and raise and lateralize ribs
                                                                                  2. deep to external
                                                                                    1. interosseous- stiffen spaces between ribs and lower ribs
                                                                                      1. raise ribs
                                                                                  3. transverse thoracic
                                                                                    1. origin- sternum, xiphoid process, cartilage of ribs 5-7
                                                                                      1. insertion- ribs 2-6
                                                                                        1. innervation- intercostal muscles
                                                                                    2. diaphragm
                                                                                      1. shaped like inverted bowl (open parachute)
                                                                                        1. separates thorax from abdomen, flexible
                                                                                      2. Abdominal Wall
                                                                                        1. abdominal muscles
                                                                                          1. connective tissues
                                                                                            1. vertebral column (lumbar, sacral, coccygeal)
                                                                                              1. pelvic girdle
                                                                                                1. abdominal Contents:
                                                                                                  1. stomach
                                                                                                    1. intestines
                                                                                                      1. internal organs
                                                                                                        1. compressible- creates pressure in abdominal cavity- intra-abdominal pressure
                                                                                                          1. make it possible to shunt pressure between rib cage and abdomen
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