Methods Of Training


5 Exercise Physiology Mind Map on Methods Of Training, created by Brennen Kaldenbe on 18/11/2015.
Brennen Kaldenbe
Mind Map by Brennen Kaldenbe, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jakelloyd38 over 8 years ago
Brennen Kaldenbe
Copied by Brennen Kaldenbe over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Methods Of Training
  1. Fartlek Training
    1. Sweedish Word - Speed Play
      1. Focus' on different speeds and intesities
        1. helps improve aerobic/anaerobic systems
      2. Cross Training
        1. Athletes use other activities rather than their own sport
          1. A footballer swimming to to improve Cardio-Vascular fitness
        2. Circuit Training
          1. Focus' on working all muscles.
            1. Tailored to suit your sport - can change length and intenisty
              1. Easy to set up - any sports person can participate
          2. Weigh Training
            1. Focus' on muscular strength - measured in "Sets & Reps"
              1. Can help in sports such as Rugby, Boxing and Weight Lifting
            2. Intreval Training
              1. Short working periods of exercise
                1. High intensity followed by a rest
                  1. Good for improving anaerobic systems
                    1. Sprinters may use interval training
              2. Continious Training
                1. Working at constant rate (60-80% of maximum.)
                  1. must be atlest 20 mins to take effect
                    1. Can be very boring
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