Self-Study Questions


My teaching self-study answers three questions: 1. What are instructional accommodations that can be made to modify curriculum for individual learners? 2. How can I pull in more formative assessment during reading instruction? 3. What strategies can be used to differentiate and develop a culturally responsive curriculum?
Mind Map by annanolen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by annanolen almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Self-Study Questions
  1. What are instructional accommodations that can be made to modify curriculum for individual learners?
    1. Knowledge of Content: Standard 1.5
      1. Using differentiated texts
        1. Assessing a student's fluency using differentiated texts
          1. Using decodable texts to practice phonics patterns
            1. Using texts that incorporate each student's culture
                1. Creating a print rich environment
                  1. Find and evaluate culturally diverse books
                  2. Small Group Instruction
                  3. Using Tier I, II, and III instruction to reach all learners
                    1. Tier I Instruction
                      1. Read Alouds,
                        1. Decoding and Phonics Instruction
                          1. Explicit Vocabulary Instruction
                            1. Comprehension Strategies
                          2. Tier II Instruction
                            1. Tier III Instruction
                              1. Individualized Interventions
                                1. Using wide reading and repeated reading strategies
                          3. How can I pull in more formative assessment during reading instruction?
                            1. Knowledge of Teaching and Learning: Standard 2.8
                              1. Looking and listening as students are learning
                                1. Using "turn and talk" strategies to understand student learning
                                      1. Find what students are doing correctly and verbalize it through praise
                                      2. Understanding Formative Assessment
                                        1. Assessment used to guide instruction
                                          1. Teacher should ask two questions:
                                            1. What do my student's need to understand?
                                              1. What performance skills are needed?
                                              2. Assessment for learning helps students achieve success
                                            2. Having students retell fiction/non-fiction texts
                                            3. What strategies can be used to differentiate and develop a culturally responsive curriculum?
                                              1. Knowledge of Diversity: Standard 4.1
                                                1. Building Background Knowledge
                                                  1. Increasing student's motivation
                                                    1. Incorporating student interests
                                                      1. Recognize and build on student's strengths
                                                        1. Providing texts that incorporate student's reading interest
                                                        2. Create a safe classroom environment
                                                          1. Honor and respect for each child's home culture
                                                          2. Use peer coaching strategies to build fluency
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