AC Theory


Mind Map on AC Theory, created by 13069621 on 12/06/2013.
Mind Map by 13069621, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 13069621 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

AC Theory
  1. EMF
    1. e=Blv
      1. Magnetic flux density - B
        1. The length of the conductor in the magnetic field - l
          1. The velocity or speed of the conductor through the magnetic field - V
            1. e = Volts
              1. B = teslas
                1. l = metres
                  1. v = metres/second
                  2. Generation of an EMF
                    1. Thumb - direction of motion
                      1. First finger - Field
                        1. Second finger - Current
                  3. Connection of metres
                    1. Ammeter
                      1. In series with the circuit
                      2. Voltmeter
                        1. In parallel with the system or load
                        2. Wattmeter
                          1. Measures the amount of power
                          2. Ohmmeter
                            1. Measures the resistance
                          3. Electro-magnetism
                            1. Lines of flux
                              1. Cannot cross
                                1. Flow externally from North Pole to South Pole
                                2. Magnets
                                  1. Like poles repel
                                    1. Unlike poles attract
                                    2. Maxwells screw rule
                                      1. The relationship between the direction of the current flowing and the magnetic field produced by that current
                                      2. Relays
                                        1. Solenoids
                                          1. Contactor
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