

Psychology (Forgetting) Mind Map on Interference, created by pmfisher1996 on 11/04/2013.
Mind Map by pmfisher1996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pmfisher1996 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Forgetting in the long term memory is due to confusion between old and new memories
    1. Retroactive interference is when the learning of new information interferes with the learning of old information
      1. This would be the professor having trouble remembering people's names from a year or two before because he has learned new people's names
      2. Proactive interference is when the learning of old information interferes with the learning of new information
        1. This causes the professor to have a harder time remembering the names of people in class because he has learned so many names in the past
        2. In the short tern store interference is important as it prevents rehearsal which is needed for information to go from the STM to the LTM
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