Sexual Dimorphism


Mind Map on Sexual Dimorphism, created by laurawatson_28 on 11/04/2013.
Mind Map by laurawatson_28, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by laurawatson_28 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sexual Dimorphism
  1. Primary sexual characteristics are physical differences between the sexes such as sexual organs
    1. Secondary sexual characteristics such as colours and ornaments are differences between sexes that are not directly involved with the mechanics of sex
    2. Natural selection is when an individual is selected according to its ability to survive and reproduce
      1. Sexual selection is when an individual is selected solely by its ability to obtain mates
        1. There is often a conflict between natural selection and sexual selection
      2. Fisher's explanation is that selection of such traits is a result of sexual preference; that members of the opposite sex find a trait desirable
        1. This preference makes the trait advantageous, which in turn makes having a preference for the trait advantageous
          1. The process is termed "runaway", because over time, it would facilitate the development of greater preference and more pronounced traits
            1. until the costs of producing the trait balance the reproductive benefit of possessing it
        2. Female choosiness: females usually invest more in gametes so will be the choosey sex
          1. Direct benefits of being choosey include picking males that will provide parental care and resources to the female
          2. Good Genes - male attractiveness is an indication of his survivorship qualities and reproduction potential
            1. Attractiveness is linked to good genes because it takes a lot of investment, as does fighting off parasites etc
            2. Do mites lower host fitness? - Offspring from heavily infected Barn Swallows grow slower and less will survive
              1. Is resistance to mites heritable? - An infected will have a similar parasite burden to their father, showing it is heritable
                1. Resistant males are more showy because they can allocate more resources into attractiveness and ornamentation instead of fighting parasites
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