Natural Suffering - Atheist Response


Mind Map on Natural Suffering - Atheist Response, created by Grace Bovaird on 26/01/2016.
Grace Bovaird
Mind Map by Grace Bovaird, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Bovaird
Created by Grace Bovaird about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Suffering - Atheist Response
  1. Natural Forces
    1. Tectonic Plates
      1. Positive - Move and form beautiful mountain ranges
        1. Negative - move and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
      2. Chance
        1. Big Bang spontaneously occurred - wasn't a result of Divine Being's wonderful design; merely a chance of random chance
        2. Human Beings
          1. Many cities are built on fault lines and people who live there know the risks but choose to live there anywhere.
            1. Therefore they are more likely to suffer.
              1. We are the key to reducing the suffering by changing our behaviour
          2. 'Red in Tooth and Claw'
            1. Suffering and evil is simply part of the natural order of the world and how the food chai is giverned
              1. Suffering is a result of both Human's and Animas violent nature
              2. Evolution
                1. Random genetic mutations
                  1. 'Survival of the Fittist'
                    1. The evolution of the world is a key factor when it comes to Natural Suffering
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