Prejudice and discrimination


Psychology (Social) Mind Map on Prejudice and discrimination, created by Beth Ritchie on 18/12/2013.
Beth Ritchie
Mind Map by Beth Ritchie, updated more than 1 year ago
Beth Ritchie
Created by Beth Ritchie over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Prejudice and discrimination
  1. Prejudice
    1. An attitude towards another person based on little or no actual knowledge of them
    2. Discrimination
      1. Behaviour towards another person based on prejudice
      2. Social identiity theory, Tajfel, 1970
        1. Social catagorisation
          1. Putting yourself and others into in--groups and out-groups
          2. Social identification
            1. Absorb culture within the in-group, associate with the group's values and norms, notice differences between yourself and people in the out group
            2. Social comparison
              1. Try to make the out-group look bad in comparison, in order to boost your own self-esteem
                1. In-group favoritism
                2. Evaluation
                  1. Explains football fan behaviour
                    1. Has evidenence
                      1. Tajfel's minimal group study
                        1. Sherif's study
                        2. Useful applications
                          1. Could create one big in-group
                            1. Common in-group identity model, Gaertner
                          2. Simplifies complex human relations
                            1. Hisory involves conflict
                              1. Scarce food resources
                              2. Not just our basic drive to improve our social standing
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