Atticus Chap.16


Notes on Atticus's character focusing on chapter 16
Mind Map by claudia.osborn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by claudia.osborn about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Atticus Chap.16
  1. Frank
    1. Talks about the issues in Maycomb as they are
      1. States Mr. Underwood is strange
        1. Hates negroes but helped Atticus and Mr. Robinson
        2. "Anything fit to say at the table's fit to say in front of Calpurnia"
          1. Aunt Alexandra complains they gossip
            1. "Maybe if we didn't give them so much to talk about they'd be quiet."
      2. Independent Idealist
        1. A. Alexandra believes children running off in the night is disgracful
          1. Atticus is grateful
            1. Even though it's not proper
              1. "Right glad his disgraces had come along"
          2. Defending a black man truly believes he is wrongly accused
            1. Does not act like the rest of the town and gossips.
              1. Similar to Ms. Maudie who is yelled at by passing baptists.
              2. Stays by Tom Robinson's side to protect him
            2. Forgiving
              1. Scout asks Atticus about Mr. Cunninghams behaviour the previous evening
                1. Atticus explain with no hostility Mr. Cunningham is a good man
                  1. He has blind spots like everyone else.
                    1. Part of a mob but still a human
                      1. An 8 year old brought them to their senses.

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