Inspector Calls


GcSE playscript
Mind Map by sbaker, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sbaker over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Inspector Calls
  1. Sheila
    1. Mr Berlings daughter
      1. Geralds fiancee
        1. Complained about eva smith to her boss
    2. Mr Berling
      1. Owns Family Company
        1. Sact Eva Smith
      2. Eric
        1. Works for his Father
          1. Was seeing Eva Smith
            1. Got Eva Pregnant
              1. Stole Money to give Eva some help
              2. Got a bit Squiffy and stayed at Eva's
          2. Mrs Berling
            1. Married to Mr Berling and has two kids
              1. Met Eva Smith 2 weeks before she died
                1. She declined Eva smith to sign up for the charity
            2. Eva Smith
              1. Had an afair with Gerald
                1. Got scat from Mr berlings
                  1. Got sact from Milwoods
                    1. Got pregnant by Erik
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