Keeping Healthy


GCSE Biology Unit 1
Mind Map by r.davies, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by r.davies about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Keeping Healthy
  1. Diet and exercise
    1. Diet
      1. Nutrients
        1. Carbohydrates
          1. Potatoes, pasta, bread, bananas, sugar and rice.
            1. A source of energy for life processes
            2. Proteins
              1. Meet, fish, eggs and cheese
                1. growth and repair - building cells
                2. Fats
                  1. Cheese, butter, margarine and oils
                    1. A source of energy for life processes: fats are also needed to make cell membranes and to insulate our bodies
                    2. Mineral Ions and vitamins
                      1. Needed in small amounts for healthy functioning of the body
                    3. Imbalanced diets
                      1. Too little food may lead to a person being underweight
                        1. Too much food may lead to a person being overweight
                          1. Too little vitamin D in a diet could lead to rickets; this effects the proper growth of the skeleton
                        2. Exercise
                          1. If someone’s diet consists of food with a lower energy content than the amount of energy their body uses, the person will lose body mass
                            1. Metabolic Rate
                              1. Varies because of several factors
                                1. Age
                                  1. Gender
                                    1. Inherited factors
                                      1. Proportion of muscle to fat in the body
                                        1. Amount of exercise and other physical activity
                                        2. Increases as we exercise and stays high for a while afterwards
                                      2. Cholesterol
                                        1. Made in the liver
                                          1. Needed for healthy cell membranes
                                            1. Too much cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of heart disease and diseased arteries
                                          2. Defending against infection
                                            1. Pathogens
                                              1. Micro-organisms that cause disease
                                                1. Bacteria
                                                  1. Release toxins, inside our bodies, that make us feel ill
                                                    1. Living cells that can multiply rapidly, in the right conditions
                                                      1. Bacteria causes many diseases
                                                        1. Food poisoning
                                                          1. Cholera
                                                            1. Typhoid
                                                              1. Whooping Cough
                                                            2. Viruses
                                                              1. Can only reproduce in a host cell, and in doing this they damage the cell
                                                                1. Inside the host cell the virus copies itself thousands of times and once the copies fill the cell it bursts
                                                                  1. The virus is then passed out in the bloodstream, the airways or by other roots
                                                                2. Viruses cause diseases
                                                                  1. Influenza (flu)
                                                                    1. Colds
                                                                      1. Measles
                                                                        1. Mumps
                                                                          1. Rubella
                                                                            1. Chicken pox
                                                                              1. AIDs
                                                                          2. White Blood Cells
                                                                            1. Ingest Pathogens and destroy them (they do NOT eat them)
                                                                              1. Produce antibodies to destroy particular pathogens
                                                                                1. Produce antitoxins that counteract the toxins produced by pathogens
                                                                                2. Antibodies
                                                                                  1. Produced by lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell)
                                                                                    1. Can neutralise pathogens in a number of ways
                                                                                      1. Bind to pathogens and damage or destroy them
                                                                                        1. Coat pathogens, clumping them together so they are easily ingested by white blood cells called phagocytes
                                                                                        2. The specific types of antibodies are proteins that have a chemical 'fit' to a certain antigen
                                                                                          1. When a lymphocyte with the appropriate antibody meets the antigen, the lymphocyte reproduces quickly and makes many copies of the antibody to kill the pathagon
                                                                                        3. Vaccination
                                                                                          1. Involves putting a small amount of an inactive form of a pathogen, or dead pathogen, into the body.
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