Research Methods


A Levels Psychology (Unit 1 : Research Methods) Mind Map on Research Methods, created by Jag B on 13/01/2014.
Jag B
Mind Map by Jag B, updated more than 1 year ago
Jag B
Created by Jag B over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Research Methods
  1. Experimental Method
    1. The researcher manipulates the IV in order to see if it directly affects the DV
      1. All other variables are kept constant/controlled/eliminated
        1. Participants are randomly allocated to the experimental conditions
          1. Direct cause-and-effect relationships between the IV and DV can be found by eliminating and restricting other variables
            1. Lab and field experiments allow researchers to force the pace of the investigation as they don't have to wait for the natural events to occur
              1. Experiments generate quantitative data which can be analysed and then generalised & concluded
                1. Participants used in some experiments may be an overrepresentation of gender and culture - male uni students are often used so results cannot be generalised too far outside of the experiment
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