10.4 Plant Cell Structure


AQA Exam Board Biology
Lauren Doyle
Mind Map by Lauren Doyle, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Doyle
Created by Lauren Doyle over 10 years ago

Resource summary

10.4 Plant Cell Structure
  1. Leaf Palisade Cell
    1. Function: to carry out photosynthesis.
      1. The features that suit it for its function include:
        1. ♦ Long, thin cells that form a continuous layer to absorb sunlight.
          1. ♦ Lots of chloroplasts arranged to best collect sunlight.
            1. ♦ A large vacuole that pushes the cytoplasm and chloroplasts to the edge of the cell.
    2. Cell Wall
      1. The cell wall consists of microfibrils of the polysaccharide cellulose embedded in a matrix.
          1. Cell walls have the following features:
            1. ♦ A number of polysaccharides, such as cellulose.
              1. ♦ The 'middle lamella', a thin layer between adjacent cell walls which cements them together.
        1. Functions of the cell wall are:
          1. ♦ To prevent the cell bursting under the pressure created by the osmotic entry of water.
            1. ♦ To give mechanical strength to the plant.
              1. ♦ Allow water to pass along it.
          2. Cellulose microfibrils are very strong.
          3. Chloroplasts
            1. Disc-shaped, 2-10μ long and 1μm in diameter. Their main features are:
              1. ♦ The Chloroplast Envelope - a double plasma membrane. It selects what comes in and out of the chloroplast.
                1. ♦ The Grana - are stacks of up to 100 thylakoids, which contain chlorophyll. 1st stage of photosynthesis takes place here.
                  1. ♦ The Stroma - a fluid-filled matrix. Contains starch grains. 2nd stage of photosynthesis takes place here.
              2. Chloroplasts are adapted to their function of carrying out photosynthesis in the following ways:
                1. ♦ The granal membranes provide a large surface area for the attachment of chlorophyll, electron carriers and enzymes that carry out the 1st stage of photosynthesis.
                  1. ♦ The fluid of the stroma has all the enzymes needed for the 2nd stage.
                    1. ♦ Chloroplasts contain DNA and ribosomes so they can quickly and easily manufacture some of the proteins needed for photosynthesis.
              3. Differences Between Plant and Animal Cells:
                1. Plant Cells
                  1. Cellulose cell wall & cell-surface membrane.
                    1. Vast amounts of chloroplasts.
                      1. Have a large, single, central vacuole filled with cell sap.
                        1. Starch grains are used for storage.
                  2. Animal Cells
                    1. Only cell-surface membrane.
                      1. No chloroplasts.
                        1. If vacuoles are present they are small and scattered around.
                          1. Glycogen granules are used for storage.
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