The Trial of the Talmud


Mind Map on The Trial of the Talmud, created by shanbutler on 15/05/2016.
Mind Map by shanbutler, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by shanbutler almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Trial of the Talmud
  1. Torah= the books of the old testament, Hebrew book of faith.
    1. Talmud= a collection of commentaries on the Talmud written by Hebrew scholars
    2. Nicholas Donin travelled to Rome in the 1230s and told the pope that he used to be a Jew and the Talmud was full of attacks on Christianity.
      1. In 1239 the Pope wrote to the kings of Europe asking them to put the Talmud on trial and investigate it for attacks.
        1. Louis IX was the only king to respond and in 1240 he organised a trial of the Talmud in Paris that his mother, Blanche of Castile presided over.
        2. After the trial Louis and several others decided to burn the Talmud.
          1. Archbishop of Sens, disagreed and said the Talmud should not be burnt. He died not long after and this was seen as a punishment for protecting the Talmud.
            1. Talmud publically burnt in 1240.
            2. In 1247, a different Pope wrote to Louis to remind him that the Jews must be saved, so to give them their books back. Louis refused.
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