

Mind Map on SAB11#2_Project_Definition_II, created by Nancy Benitez on 18/06/2016.
Nancy  Benitez
Mind Map by Nancy Benitez, updated more than 1 year ago
Nancy  Benitez
Created by Nancy Benitez over 8 years ago

Resource summary



  • Projects can be part of programs or portfolios, but portfolios and programs cant´s be part of a project
  1. Program management
    1. Is a group of projects that are closely linked
      1. May help achieve decreased risk
        1. may include ongoing operations
          1. creates benefit for the organization
      2. Portfolio Management


        • El responsable es el CIO Generalmente mundial
        1. Group Programs + individual projects
          1. May no be related
            1. develop business strategies
              1. enhances the benefits to the organization
                1. may include ongoing operations
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