Main Sources of Water-- Luciana Alvarado


Mind map of the 4 main sources of water in the world By: Luciana Alvarado
Luci Alv
Mind Map by Luci Alv, updated more than 1 year ago
Luci Alv
Created by Luci Alv over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Main Sources of Water-- Luciana Alvarado
  1. Ice
    1. The 1.7 of water in the world comes from Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent snow
      1. Glacial ice covers 10-11 percent of all land.
        1. Made of one molecule of oxygen and two atoms of gas.
          1. The 69,70% of FRESH water comes from ice and glaciers
    2. Oceans
      1. The 97.50% of water on the world is salt water
        1. Every 1 litre (1000 mL) of seawater there are 35 grams of salts and sodium chloride
          1. Oceans cover around the 70 % of the Earths water
      2. Lakes and Rivers
        1. The 00,30% of FRESH water on the planet is surface water
          1. Of all the water on the world the 0.013% comes from lakes and the 0.00029% from rivers and ponds
        2. Groundwater
          1. The 30% of FRESH water of the world is groundwater
            1. 64% of groundwater is used for irrigation to grow crops
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