DE100 Investigating Psychology - Research Report Writing


Formula for writing research reports as taught throughout the Open University module DE100 Investigating Psychology in the book Investigating Methods. References are made to relevant chapters for further study.
Anneliese Shaw
Mind Map by Anneliese Shaw, updated more than 1 year ago
Anneliese Shaw
Created by Anneliese Shaw about 8 years ago

Resource summary

DE100 Investigating Psychology - Research Report Writing
  1. 1. Title
    1. concise and Informative
    2. 2. Abstract


      • examples in Investigating methods, chapters 1, 3 and 9
      1. short summary of report
        1. 2.1 what study is about
          1. 2.2 method used
            1. 2.3 results obtained, in plain english
              1. 2.4 what results mean
            2. 3. Introduction


              • extracts from Allum (2011) in Chapter 1 and Hayne et al. (2003) in Chapter 3 of investigating Intelligence
              1. funnel shaped
                1. 3.2 introduce relevant literature
                  1. existing research
                  2. 3.1 research topic
                    1. 3.3 narrow to issue being studied
                      1. 3.4a qualitative studies
                        1. state research question
                        2. 3.4b quantitive studies
                          1. statement of hypotheses
                      2. 4. Method
                        1. 4.1 Design


                          • example in Chapter 8, Section 3.1, of investigating methods
                          1. 4.1.1 type of study


                            • eg correlation, experiment, etc.
                            1. 4.1.2 variables used
                              1. state IV and DV for experiments
                              2. 4.1.3 how variables used
                                1. experiments, state conditions of IV, and how DV measured
                                  1. correlation studies: state how variables measured.
                                2. 4.2 participants


                                  • example in Chapter 3, Section 3.2, of investigating intelligence
                                  1. 4.2.1 #participants
                                    1. 4.2.2 who are participants
                                      1. sex
                                        1. age
                                          1. anything else relevant
                                          2. 4.2.3 how selected
                                            1. 4.2.4 any payment or insentive
                                            2. 4.3 materials


                                              • example in Chapter 5, Section 3.2, of investigating methods
                                              1. 4.3.1 stimuli and equipment used
                                                1. 4.3.2 how data recorded
                                                2. 4.4 procedure


                                                  • example in Chapter 2, Section 3.1, of investigating methods
                                                  1. 4.4.1 step by step description of study
                                                    1. 4.4.2 describe all instructions given
                                                  2. 5. Results
                                                    1. quantitave reports
                                                      1. 5.1 restate hypothesis
                                                        1. 5.2 describe data
                                                          1. how collected
                                                            1. type: nominal, ordinal or interval
                                                            2. 5.3 any calculations before analysis
                                                              1. for descriptive stats include tables/charts
                                                                1. captions! and plain English description
                                                              2. 5.4 state which inferential statistics used
                                                                1. report result in conventional statistical form


                                                                  • see examples of reporting the chi-square test and the t-test in Chapter 8, Section 3.2,
                                                                  1. state if statistically significant or not
                                                                2. 5.5 Is hypothesis accepted or not.
                                                                3. qualititave reports
                                                                  1. narrative
                                                                    1. describe findings
                                                                      1. include quotations
                                                                  2. 6. Discussion


                                                                    • examples in Chapter 7, Section 3.3 of investigating methods
                                                                    1. 6.1 state findings in plain english
                                                                      1. 6.2 explain findings
                                                                        1. what do you think they mean
                                                                        2. 6.3 how compare to other literature from introduction
                                                                          1. 6.4 suggest how findings can be used
                                                                            1. 6.6 critical evaluation of research
                                                                              1. what are its limitations and strengths
                                                                              2. 6.7 suggestions for future research.
                                                                              3. 7. References
                                                                                1. 8. Appendix
                                                                                  1. examples of stimuli used
                                                                                    1. copy of instructions given
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