Human Evolution - Revised


Mind Map on Human Evolution - Revised, created by skjohns on 03/07/2014.
Mind Map by skjohns, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by skjohns almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Human Evolution - Revised
  1. Brain sizes (smallest to largest)
    1. australopithecines
      1. had brains size of modern apes
        1. Lucy
        2. homo habilis
          1. first to make and use stone tools
          2. homo erectus
            1. first to develop humanlike culture
              1. first to make fire
                1. first to spread from Africa into Asia
                2. homo sapien
                  1. modern human brain
                  2. homo neanderthalis
                    1. brains were larger than homo sapien, but they were less sophisticated
                      1. homo sapien may have driven homo neanderthalis to extinction
                      2. development of bigger brains is a result of bipedalism
                      3. fossil evidence
                        1. bipedalism
                          1. Hominid femur bones look like modern humans
                            1. Laetoli footprints
                              1. Pelvis bone would have supported organs and walking upright
                                1. Knee joints allowed legs to fully extend
                                2. group living
                                  1. "The First Family"
                                    1. group of teeth found in one location, all representative of different ages and sexes
                                    2. Laotola footprints
                                      1. two sized footprints (possibly male and female or child and adult) side by side
                                    3. bigger brains
                                      1. Memes
                                        1. units of cultural knowledge passed down to us; not through genes, but from one person to another through language and communication
                                        2. Result of the skeletal structure of bipedalism
                                      2. Culture
                                        1. language
                                          1. social interaction
                                            1. iintelligence
                                              1. Cro Magnon culture: rituals for hunting, birth, and death
                                                1. Cave art
                                                  1. Burial of the dead
                                                  2. Antibiotic Resistence
                                                    1. The more we take antibiotics, the more our bodies becomes resistant to them
                                                      1. Caused by natural selection
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