Changes on a population


Mind Map on Changes on a population, created by Luci Alv on 10/10/2016.
Luci Alv
Mind Map by Luci Alv, updated more than 1 year ago
Luci Alv
Created by Luci Alv about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Changes on a population
  1. Births and Deaths Births rate: number of births Death rates: number of deaths
    1. Immigration means moving into a population
      1. Emigration means leaving a population
      2. There are some limiting factors the causes a population to stop growing or decrease
        1. changes in climate such as temperature and the amount of rainfall. For example if there is a cold spring season these can kill the young species.
          1. CLIMATE
          2. Space
            1. If ther is not enough room for all the population species can not reproduce causing the population to decreas
            2. Food and Water
              1. When water and food starts to decrease around a population animal will need to migrate or some of them can even dye
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