Causes of the Civil War


IB Diploma Historie HL (Causes of the Civil War) Mind Map on Causes of the Civil War, created by JonesKamel on 23/03/2014.
Mind Map by JonesKamel, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by JonesKamel over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Civil War
  1. Expansion
    1. Louisiana Purchase, 1803
      1. Mexican-American War, 1846 - 1848
        1. Florida Purchase, 1821
          1. Texas annexation, 1845
          2. Missouri Compromise (1820)
            1. Tallmidge amendment
              1. 1850 Compromise
                1. Kansas-Nebraska Bill
                  1. Wilmot Proviso
                    1. Calhoun doctrine
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