The Tempest - roadmap to the Lit Exam


Mind Map on The Tempest - roadmap to the Lit Exam, created by xanthecobb on 03/25/2014.
Mind Map by xanthecobb, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by xanthecobb almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Tempest - roadmap to the Lit Exam
  1. Act I
    1. Scene 1
      1. The tempest at sea as orchestrated by Ariel
      2. Scene 2
        1. a) Prospero tells Miranda how they came to be on the island, then puts her to sleep
          1. b) Then Prospero talks to Ariel about the tempest which he ordered
            1. c) Miranda awakens; Caliban is introduced; Miranda and Prospero talk to him
              1. d) Ariel brings Ferdinand forward with his music; Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love
      3. Act II
        1. Scene 1
          1. a) Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio, Sebastian et al arrive lost on the island. Alonso cannot be consoled bc he believes Ferdinand, his son, is dead
            1. b) Ariel makes all sleep except Seb and Antonio; Ant coerces Seb to overthrow his brother, Alonso; their plan fails bc Ariel makes them wake up
          2. Scene 2
            1. Caliban meets Trinculo and Stephano. Funny scene: they get Caliban drunk and C vows to show them the riches of the island, with Stephano as his new king/god
          3. Act IV
            1. Scene 1
              1. a) Prospero consents to Mir and Ferd marriage. he arranges the masque to celebrate their love
            2. Act III
              1. Scene 1
                1. Miranda and Ferdinand deepen their love while Prospero watches from aside
                2. Scene 2
                  1. Stephano and Trinculo act stupidly; Caliban says he will serve Stephano yet accuses them of cowardice; Ariel comes and overhears Caliban's suggestion to overthrow Prospero
                  2. Scene 3
                    1. Ariel creates a banquet for Alonso, Gonzalo, Antonio; Dressed as a harpy Ariel accuses Alonso et al of their wrongs and ddemands they repent
                  3. Act V
                    1. Scene 1
                    2. Epilogue
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