

A-Level Biology (Immunology (unit 1)) Mind Map on Immunology, created by Stephen Cole on 03/28/2014.
Stephen Cole
Mind Map by Stephen Cole, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephen Cole
Created by Stephen Cole almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Vaccination
    1. Features of a successful vaccination program
      1. Few side-effects
        1. Means of producing, storing and transporting available
          1. Means of administering vaccine available
            1. All vulnerable population vaccinated
            2. Problems with controlling cholera
              1. Intestinal disease- not easily reached by immune system
                1. Antigenic variability
                  1. Mobile populations spread cholera
                  2. Principles
                    1. Weakened/mutated pathogen injected
                      1. Stimulates immune response and production of antibodies
                        1. Immunological memory - faster response to future infections
                    2. Ethics
                      1. Use of animals in development of vaccines
                        1. Could have side-effects/cause disease
                          1. Human trials
                          2. Problems with controlling TB
                            1. HIV - more people with impaired immune systems
                              1. Body kills bacterium before antibodies produced
                                1. Ageing populations - older people have weaker immune systems
                              2. Antibodies
                                1. Proteins synthesised by B cells
                                  1. Quaternary structure: two heavy chains and two light chains
                                    1. Held together by disulfide bonds
                                    2. Variable and constant regions
                                      1. Antigen-binding sites: antigen-antibody complex is formed
                                      2. Monoclonal antibodies: produced from a single clone of B cells
                                        1. Formed by hybridisation with cancer cells
                                          1. Number of useful functions
                                            1. Immunoassay (e.g. pregnancy testing kits)
                                              1. Cancer treatment
                                                1. Transplant surgery
                                            2. B cells and cell-mediated immunity
                                              1. 1. B cells take up suface antigens of pathogens and present them on the membrane
                                                1. 2. Activated T helper cells bind to antigens and activate the B cells
                                                  1. 3.B cells divide by mitosis and specialise into one of two types of cells:
                                                    1. Plasma cells produce antibodies.
                                                      1. Agglutination (clumping) of pathogens facilitates phagocytosis
                                                        1. Cause lysis of pathogens
                                                        2. Memory cells store an immunological memory of the antigen.
                                                          1. Secondary immune response: greater and faster antibody production
                                                      2. Phagocytosis: the non-specific immune response
                                                        1. 1. Macrophage attracted to pathogen by chemoattractants
                                                          1. 2. Macrophage binds to pathogen and engulfs it, forming a phagosome
                                                            1. 3. Lysosome fuses with phagosome to form a phagolysosome
                                                              1. 4. Digestive enzymes break down the pathogen
                                                              2. T cells and cell-mediated immunity
                                                                1. T cells mature in the thymus gland.
                                                                  1. T cells carry out cell-mediated immunity:
                                                                    1. 1. Pathogens invade body/ingested by phagocytes
                                                                      1. 2. Phagocyte presents antigens on its cell membrane
                                                                        1. 3. T cells have complementary receptors which bind to the antigens
                                                                          1. 4. The T cell then divides rapidly by mitosis.
                                                                    2. Roles of cloned T cells
                                                                      1. Developing into memory cells for faster secondary response
                                                                        1. Stimulating phagocytosis
                                                                          1. Producing interleukins, which stimulating B cells to divide
                                                                            1. Killing infected cells
                                                                              1. Perforin makes holes in cell membrane of infected cells - they become freely permeable and die
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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