The blood


Mind Map on The blood, created by amybutler1998 on 03/28/2014.
Mind Map by amybutler1998, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amybutler1998 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The blood
  1. Components of the blood
    1. Plasma
      1. Liquid part of blood
        1. carries blood cells around the body
          1. Carries dissolved nutirents, hormones, CO2 and urea
        2. Red blood cells
          1. Structure
            1. Biconcave, disc-like cells
              1. No nucleus
                1. Millions in each mm3 of blood
                2. Transports oxygen- mainly hamoeglobin
                  1. Loads oxygen in the lungs and unloads in other parts of the body
                3. White blood cells
                  1. Lymphocytes
                    1. roughly same size as red blood cells
                      1. large spherical nucleus
                        1. produce antibodies to destroy microorganisms
                          1. Some stay in the blood after infection and give us immunity to specific diseases
                          2. Phagocytes
                            1. Much larger cells
                              1. lobed nucleus
                                1. Engulf bacteria and microorganisms that have infected our bodies
                              2. Platelets
                                1. smallest cells
                                  1. Release chemicals to make blood clot when we cut ourselves
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