Industry is a group of
organizations involved in
producing or handling the same
product or type of serivces
Clarify: indusrties like
leisure, soccer, talk
show, kpop and more
Industry standards (industry
norms) are guidelines and goals
set for different entertainment
Clarify: average
Industry trends showcase the
latest demand and consumer
response to sports and
entertainment events exposing
their overall growth and decline
over time
By: Morgan Dingle
U.S. Sports Camps specializes in one-two
week overnight camps to provide
through training in one of many sports.
They try to target young people, or
college athlete's for future development
College Sports specialty is a
constant upgrade in salaries into
millions of dollars to keep the
attention of football and basketball
top coaches
The concert Industry focuses on
channeling fans to secluded arenas to
showcase stars full music auroras.
However, the concert industry faces
challenges because there are less
deubting stars than there should be
Television Industry continuously
looks for programming that will
produce an increase in viewers
State and County Fairs is a more local based
entertainment industry that reaches the
community. This industry targets young people
for fresh ideas on what attracts a large
audience. Today, State and county fairs
incorporate technology, so that it can reach
more people and become more accessible