2.3.4 Interface design for effective communication


Mind Map on Untitled, created by Mallory Walker on 11/11/2016.
Mallory Walker
Mind Map by Mallory Walker, updated more than 1 year ago
Mallory Walker
Created by Mallory Walker over 7 years ago

Resource summary

2.3.4 Interface design for effective communication
  1. Experience
    1. Games have been getting more complex, thus needing a UI that players can easily interact with
    2. Age
      1. the controller
        1. Motion controllers have players executing real life movements
          1. easier for players of all ages to grasp
            1. may be harder for he much younger and much older audience to understand since it doesn't require familiar movements to execute a function
          2. Environment of use
            1. Designers may what to think about how much space it would need
              1. games that use motion sensors to detect your movement, such as kinect typically require a lot of space to move around
            2. Physical characteristics
              1. vision impairments
                1. contrasting colours
                  1. contrasting background and text
                  2. motion sickness
                    1. using virtual reality for a while can usually cause motion sickness. designers may want to think about how to prevent that
                  3. Task to be undertaken
                    1. audience/what the designer is trying to promote
                      1. health and fitness
                        1. immersion
                          1. problem solving
                            1. learning
                            2. audience/what the designer is trying to promote
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