Quickdraw - Carol Ann Duffy - MindMap


Mind Map on Quickdraw - Carol Ann Duffy - MindMap, created by English GCSE on 31/03/2014.
English GCSE
Mind Map by English GCSE, updated more than 1 year ago
English GCSE
Created by English GCSE over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Quickdraw - Carol Ann Duffy - MindMap
  1. Enjabment
    1. This portays a broken up, irregular poem - represents the relationship - arguement and seperation
    2. Western Theme
      1. The poet uses words that give a western/cowboy theme - this relates to the relationship it's a showdown - their is similes of the phones liek guns suggesting their talk to eachother is painful - this is also shown through imagary of pain
      2. Alliteration
        1. The repition of 't' sounds with 'twirl, tounge trigger' these all emphase these words are are harsh, quick sounds relating to the words in their arguments fast and painful
        2. Punctuation
          1. Short sentences are used "I'm all alone" - perhaps suggesting her time alone is short or that she can only feel her lonliness and has nothing else to say.
            1. Allipses are used to show something happening between "take this...and this...and this"
              1. Ambigous - we don't know if these are shots or kisses
            2. Intamcey
              1. Loving and intamte words are used suggesting closeness "in my ear"
              2. Clash of imagary
                1. The western theme clashes with the imagery of mobile phones - suggests that alone the means to argue change the arguements are still the same
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