Conventions of a Short Film


Mind Map on Conventions of a Short Film, created by beckylarter on 31/03/2014.
Mind Map by beckylarter, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beckylarter about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Conventions of a Short Film
  1. A hook is usually present t draw the viewer or audience into watching the rest of the film. The hook normally is present at the beginning of the film due to the fact this is a short film, thus allowing the audience member to fully watch the short film.
    1. A twist can also be used to invite the audience to keep watching the film. The twist is used simply to keep the audience engaged with the short film.
    2. Short films tend to stick with fewer characters as they don't have enough time to introduce or deepen the characters back story for the audience. So fewer character are use to let the audience relate to the characters better.
      1. The reason short films are called 'short' is because of their length. The last up to 35 minutes, then any length after this is classed as a feature film. Usually all short films are no longer than 10 minutes.
        1. Short films are normally either based on everyday situations with an added twist/hook. Or are completely artistically crafted.
          1. This links to how the purposes of short film are created for. Usually short films are created to attract attention to the director. As short film are usually put into festivals to become noticed. These short films would not have been publically released, yet as new technologies such as social media networking and YouTube more short film are being produced and published on sites such as YouTube to the general public.
          2. The budgets of short films are generally low. Thus effects the way the film is constructed. These short film will not profit from being created thus, some may look like home videos, that create an arty vibe
            1. The style of short films become very arty and experimental when dealing with low budgets. This is because each short film wants to stand out form the rest. So the director experiments with new way to look at locations, characters, storyline, sound and effects to draw in the audience that it need to become well known.
              1. The characterisation within short film can become quite extreme. They tend to be over the top caricatures of real people. Because the nature of short films being 'short' there isn't much time to create a bigger picture of background information about the character. So the director chooses to place the information for the audience right within their daces. Such as: Good guys will always wear white with short films and bad guys will always wear black. Signally through connotations that they are the good/bad guys.
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