Medical Ethics- Abortion


Mind Map on Medical Ethics- Abortion, created by chanicefrancis on 05/04/2013.
Mind Map by chanicefrancis, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by chanicefrancis almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Medical Ethics- Abortion
  1. Issues/Controversies
    1. Technology
      1. When does life begin? When does life end? Is abortion murder?
      2. Science
        1. Is all life equally valuable? Does disability matter? What makes a person?
        2. Legality
          1. Whose decision is it? Why doesn't the father get a say?
          2. Funding
            1. Should it be funded? Is abortion a method of contraception instead of a last resort?
          3. Developments
            1. Technology
              1. We can now effectively remove foetuses
                1. Backstreet abortion to now
                  1. Vera Drake
              2. Science
                1. We can test and assess the health and sex of the foetus.
                  1. Pre natal testing and Gene technology
                2. Legality
                  1. Legal in the UK illegal in Northern Ireland
                    1. Savita Halappanavar
                  2. Funding
                    1. In the UK abortion is free on the NHS.
                      1. Should this be the case in a recession hit country?
                  3. Ethical Values
                    1. The Sanctity of Life
                      1. Aquinas
                        1. Natural Thelogy
                          1. Divine order to the way the world is created. This is Natural Law
                            1. Created the 5 Primary Precepts
                              1. 1st is to preserve life.
                              2. "Natural law justifies abortion on moral grounds"
                                1. Pre-natal tests prompt rise in deaf babies
                              3. Schweitzer
                                1. "Ethics is nothing other than the Reverence for Life".
                                  1. All life is equal
                                    1. No difference between plants, animals and humans.
                                    2. Everything has a will to live
                                  2. Personhood
                                    1. Glover
                                      1. Life is nothing other than the "Vehicle for consciousness"
                                        1. "Mere" and "superior" levels of consciousness
                                        2. Not everything has a "will-to-live"
                                        3. Harris
                                          1. Value of own existence
                                            1. If you are unable to value your own existence you are a non-person"
                                              1. You need "reason and reflection" to be a person
                                                1. Foetuses with minor imperfections are being aborted
                                            2. Singer
                                              1. Concerned with 4 areas:
                                                1. Birth, viability, quickening and conscious
                                                  1. Foetus isn't "self aware or rational"
                                                    1. so it is ok to abort
                                                  2. Allowed for population control
                                                    1. Woman in China forced to have abortion at 7months
                                                2. Consent
                                                  1. Anyone over the age of 13
                                                    1. 2 docs must agree
                                                      1. Must be a danger to carry on with pregnancy
                                                        1. Physical or mental
                                                      2. Rights and Responisibilities
                                                        1. Seedhouse
                                                          1. The rings of uncertainty
                                                            1. Ring on outside= 4 then 3,2 and inside ring=0
                                                              1. Score 5 areas out of 4
                                                                1. Add them up and divide by 5
                                                                  1. Score over 3, abortion can take place
                                                            2. The Ethical Grid
                                                              1. Split into 4
                                                                1. Outside grid=external, then consequentialism, duties & motive and then the inside grid=autonomy
                                                        2. Religious Principles
                                                          1. Christianity
                                                            1. Technology
                                                              1. "All human life is equal and sacred". "Life is an intrinsic absolute good". "Life must be respected at all time".
                                                              2. Science
                                                                1. "All human life is sacred and equal". "Life is an absolute and intrinsic good." "All life must be protected at all time" "god created man in his own image".
                                                                2. Legality
                                                                  1. God gave free will
                                                                  2. Funding
                                                                    1. "Treat others as you wish to be treated". "Humans are intelligent beings".
                                                                  3. Islam
                                                                    1. Technology
                                                                      1. "Allah is the creator and owner of all life". "Take not life which Allah has made sacred."
                                                                      2. Science
                                                                        1. Ensoulment
                                                                          1. Foetus receives a soul 120days after conception.
                                                                        2. Legality
                                                                          1. Sharia (Muslim Law)
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