Psychodynamic Approach


A level Psychology Mind Map on Psychodynamic Approach, created by Esme Naylor on 22/11/2016.
Esme Naylor
Mind Map by Esme Naylor, updated more than 1 year ago
Esme Naylor
Created by Esme Naylor almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Psychodynamic Approach
  1. the role of the unconscious
    1. vast majority of the mind
      1. innate biological drives and instincts
        1. contains repressed memories
          1. the most threatening or disturbing memories are repressed
          2. preconscious
            1. become aware of this through parapraxes or Freudian slips
          3. structure of personality
            1. ID
              1. primitive
                1. pleasure principle
                  1. unconscious drives and instincts
                    1. entirely selfish
                      1. instant gratification
                        1. inner child
                        2. SUPEREGO
                          1. sense of right and wrong
                            1. morality principle
                              1. inner parent
                                1. follows social conventions
                                  1. developed at end of phallic stage (5 years old)
                                    1. punishes the ego through guilt
                                    2. EGO
                                      1. mediator of the two parts of the personality
                                        1. uses defence mechanisms
                                        2. tripartite personality
                                        3. defence mechnisms
                                          1. repression
                                            1. forcing a distressing memory out of the mind
                                            2. denial
                                              1. refusing to acknowledge an aspect of reality
                                              2. displacement
                                                1. transferring feelings from a true source to a substitute
                                              3. FREUD
                                                1. psychosexual stages
                                                  1. oral (0 - 1 years)
                                                    1. focus of pleasure = mouth
                                                      1. object of desire = mother's breast
                                                        1. oral fixation - smoking, biting nails, sarcastic, critical
                                                        2. anal (1 - 3 years)
                                                          1. focus of pleasure = anus
                                                            1. child gains pleasure from withholding or expelling feces
                                                            2. anal retentive = perfectionist, obsessive
                                                              1. anal expulsive = thoughtless, messy
                                                              2. phallic (3 - 5 years)
                                                                1. focus of pleasure = genital area
                                                                  1. oedipus/electra complex
                                                                    1. phallic personality - narcissistic, reckless, possibly homosexual
                                                                    2. latency
                                                                      1. earlier conflicts repressed
                                                                      2. genital
                                                                        1. sexual desires become conscious in puberty
                                                                          1. difficulty forming heterosexual relationships
                                                                        2. conflict at each stage of development
                                                                          1. if not solved = fixation
                                                                        3. the oedipus complex / little hans
                                                                          1. boys fall in love with their mothers and hate their fathers
                                                                            1. castration anxiety
                                                                              1. repress feelings for mother and identify with father
                                                                                1. case study
                                                                                  1. phobia of horses was displacement, symbolic representation of castration anxiety
                                                                                  2. girls experience penis envy
                                                                                    1. replaced by the desire to have a baby
                                                                                  3. evaluation
                                                                                    1. + explanatory power
                                                                                      1. - case study method
                                                                                        1. - untestable concepts
                                                                                          1. + practical application
                                                                                            1. - psychic determinsim
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