Health Know How involvement with Children & Young People


Safeguarding: Mapping Health Know How's Contact with Children and Young People 04042014
Rachelle Howard
Mind Map by Rachelle Howard, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachelle Howard
Created by Rachelle Howard over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Health Know How involvement with Children & Young People
  1. via internet / social media platforms
    1. Via Workshops
      1. If approached in person, via telephone, by Private Message, Direct Message, email or phone & safeguarding concerns are raised/disclosures made or similar
    2. Occasional direct requests for crisis support
      1. Conduct Risk Assessment
        1. Contact Early Help Hub / MASH to make Referral
          1. encourage GP Appt where appropiate
            1. CAMHS Referral as per their Guidelines where necessary
              1. RU OK? Info & Guidance given where appropiate / or requested
                1. YCP / YAC Info & Guidance given to child / Yng Person
                  1. Sexual Health Info & Guidance given where appropiate / or requested
                    1. Benefits Info & Guidance where appropiate / requested
                    2. Refer Young Person to appropiate agency ie BMEYPP / Allsorts / RASP / YAP where appropiate / requested
                  2. A&E/MH Crisis if required
                    1. Childline Tel No given to child / Yng Person
                    2. Duty of Care applies
                      1. Ensure Safeguarding Policy followed
                        1. Inform / Updt child/Yng Person &/or family where possible prior to action however may not be safe to do so
                      2. If unsure seek advice from NSPCC / Early Help Hub / MASH
                        1. Inform Safeguarding Lead
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