The Manhunt


Dylan Meares
Mind Map by Dylan Meares, updated more than 1 year ago
Dylan Meares
Created by Dylan Meares over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Manhunt
  1. Themes
    1. War
      1. Broken marrige/relationship
        1. Love
          1. The scare of war
          2. Techniques
            1. Imagery
              1. Simile
                1. "Like parachute silk of his punctured lung"
                2. Metaphore
                  1. "The parachute silk of his punctured lung"
              2. Story
                1. Early 2000's or late 1900's (1960 onwards)
                  1. Girlfriend/wife trying to find him and get him back from the war mentally
                    1. Injuries and PTSD caused by war
                    2. Text
                      1. Injuries
                        1. Emotional
                          1. PTSD
                            1. "Unexploded mine buried deep in his mind"
                              1. "Every nerve in his body had tightened and closed"
                              2. Acts different after the war
                              3. Physical
                                1. Metaphorical injuries
                                  1. "The frozen river which ran through his face"
                                    1. Tears?
                                      1. Face is injured
                                        1. Showing no emotion
                                        2. "Blown hinge of his lower jaw"
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