Science B3


Mind Map on Science B3, created by benjamincurtisha on 04/10/2014.
Mind Map by benjamincurtisha, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by benjamincurtisha almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Science B3
  1. Species adapt to their environment
    1. Fish have gills so they can breathe underwater
    2. A species is a group of organisms that can breed together to produce fertile offspring
      1. Natural selection is the process which causes evolution
        1. Selective Breeding is when humans choose what gets selected
          1. humans deliberately get to choose what appears in the next generation
          2. The process of evolution can produce new species
            1. Fossil records and DNA both provide evidence for evolution
            2. Biodiversity means the varied range of plants,animals and new species which are on earth
              1. Classification is where scientist put species into groups
                1. Every living thing needs at least one of these things
                  1. Light
                    1. Food
                      1. Oxygen
                        1. Carbon Dioxide
                          1. Water
                          2. Nearly all energy in an ecosystem comes from the sun
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