OCR - A-Level - Biology - Biodiversity


A level Biology (AS Module 4) Mind Map on OCR - A-Level - Biology - Biodiversity, created by Josh Anderson on 04/02/2017.
Josh Anderson
Mind Map by Josh Anderson, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Anderson
Created by Josh Anderson about 7 years ago

Resource summary

OCR - A-Level - Biology - Biodiversity
  1. Measuring biodiversity
    1. Species richness
      1. The more different types of species present, the richer the habitat.
        1. Observations of species present
          1. Qualitative
        2. Species evenness
          1. Takes into account the population size of each species. Even when most of the species are abundant, rather than one dominant.
            1. Observations of species and numbers of each to compare
              1. Quantitative
                1. Animals
                  1. Large
                    1. Careful observation of species and counting individuals
                    2. Small
                      1. Take samples of animals present, mark and capture
              2. Mark and Recapture
                1. Capture and mark the organisms harmlessly.
                  1. The number of captured organisms of this species is C1
                    1. Release the organisms that have been captured and marked.
                      1. Capture organisms again.
                        1. The number of captured organisms the second time around is C2.
                          1. The number of already marked organisms in this sample is C3.
                            1. Total population = (C1 x C2)/C3
                              1. E.g C1 = 3, C2 = 4, C3 = 2
                                1. (3x4)/2 = 6
                                  1. Population is 6
                      2. Simpson's Diversity Index
                        1. D = 1- [∑(n/N)^2]
                          1. D = Diversity
                            1. ∑ = Sum of all species [(n/N)^2]
                              1. n = Number of a particular spp of plant
                                1. N = Total number of all individuals of spp (∑n)
                                  1. D will be between 0 and 1
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