The Big Three


Revision mindmap, explain points, not good for someone who has not learnt about it before. Revision Only
Lucy Jarrett
Mind Map by Lucy Jarrett, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucy Jarrett
Created by Lucy Jarrett about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Big Three
  1. Clemenceau
    1. Rhineland
      1. 'Buffer Zone'
        1. To protect France
      2. Make Germany Pay
        1. Revenge
          1. Land - Alsace - Lorraine, Saar
            1. Land for poland
              1. Resources
              2. Compensation
                1. Later agreed to £6.6million
                  1. Damage
                  2. War Guilt Clause
                    1. Germany took the blame for the war
                2. Wilson
                  1. 14 points
                    1. League of Nations
                      1. Freedom of the seas
                        1. Self Determination
                          1. Everyone was independent and ruled themselves
                        2. Prevent War
                          1. Didn't want to rescue Europe from war again
                          2. Lloyd George
                            1. Keep Public Opinion Happy
                              1. 'Make Germany Pay'
                              2. Make Britain Stronger
                                1. Naval Power
                                  1. By weakening Germany's naval power
                                2. Not to weaken Germany too much
                                  1. Trade Could be damaged
                                    1. Could be damaged
                                    2. Prevent War
                                      1. Communism
                                        1. LG was scared that communism would spread
                                    3. Both LG and WW didn't want to punish Germany too much as they wanted to prevent war whereas GC wanted to punish them a lot because of the damage caused to France.
                                      1. LG wanted to weaken Germany's naval power whereas WW wanted freedom of the seas and GC wanted dominance.
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