3D Printing in Education


Mind Map on 3D Printing in Education, created by ekeley on 04/17/2014.
Mind Map by ekeley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ekeley almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

3D Printing in Education
  1. What can be done with 3D printers in the classroom?
    1. Higher level cognitive skills developed
      1. Analyze what to build
        1. Design product to match
          1. Evaluate results
            1. Turn abstract ideas into real objects
            2. Builds communication and collaboration skills
              1. Projects with 3D printing are educational and motivational for students
                1. STEM - allows prototypes of designs and also models for student exploration
                2. What are the trends in educational technology?
                  1. Makerspaces are big!
                    1. Design thinking, tinkering and exploring, designing and creating
                    2. In 2012 the British Department for Education funded a project to allow 21 secondaries to trial the use of the printers in STEM and design and technology classes
                      1. According to 2014 Horizon Report for Higher Education, 3D printing will be at the top of the heap in 2 years
                        1. Stated differently, (3D printing) "merging technologies that are key trends predicted to have a major impact on learning over the next 2-3 years"
                      2. Examples of 3D printers in classrooms?
                        1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9raogfvBdA
                          1. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-12-22/news/ct-glen-grove-3d-printers-tl-n-20131221_1_3-d-printer-students-and-teachers-curriculum
                            1. http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2013/03/importance-of-3d-printing-in-education.html
                            2. Types of 3D printers available
                              1. http://3d-printers.toptenreviews.com/
                                1. http://cubify.com/Products/CubeXTechSpecs
                                  1. http://airwolf3d.com/store/products/large-3d-printer-model-aw3d-hd/
                                2. Resources
                                  1. MacArthur framework for Connected Learning
                                    1. 2014 Horizon Report
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